Educational Therapy
More than traditional tutoring
The Direct Intervention Approach makes it possible to develop a love for learning at any age! This does more than traditional tutoring because we focus on root learning issues, helping learners overcome these issues by developing new learning paths.
Benefits of Educational Therapy
build a new and more efficient learning processes
strengthen your brain circuitry
automaticity in handwriting
the ability to do intermodal tasks
visual and auditory processing
attention and focus
processing speed
executive functioning
working memory
sensory integration
reading, math, spelling, and writing
What if my student has been diagnosed with a learning disorder?
As a certified educational therapist with over two decades of experience working with learning differences, Michelle will apply specialized techniques to address common issues associated with the following:
Executive Functioning Issues
Sensory Processing Issues
Visual Processing Issues
Nonverbal Learning Disabilities
Ready to instill a love for learning in your student?
My student’s learning issue is not listed above.
Please reach out to Michelle to discuss your student’s educational concerns.
builds new and efficient learning processes
strengthens circuitry in the brain
develops automaticity in handwriting
develops the ability to do intermodal tasks
improves visual and auditory processing
improves attention and focus
improves processing speed
improves executive functioning
improves working memory
improves sensory integration
improves reading, math, spelling, and writing